Huódòng yī

Try now to practice Hanzi character writing. First, watch the video on how to properly write the characters for the Pinyin "Nǐ hǎo". Then, practice writing the characters based on what you have learned from the video. After several practices, get a clean bond paper and marker. While you are writing the characters, record a short video. Be sure that you are clearly showing how you are writing the Hanzi characters, and your face should also be seen during recording. Don't forget to put your details in the upper left corner of your bond paper

Huódòng èr

LISTENING and SPEAKING Activity. Listen to the given audio files (FL 310 Class Site). Practice the correct pronunciation of the Mandarin phases and record your own audio file reciting the five phrases. Save your audio file.

Huódòng sān

Get a partner from your FL 301 classmates. Watch the video on "How to Introduce Yourself in Mandarin?" on FL 301 Class Site. Based on the video and UNIT 1 lessons that you have learned, do your virtual conversation through Google Meet/Zoom/MS Teams Meeting/ FaceTime/ FB Messenger, etc. Be sure to record your conversation using screen recording (or using any video recording features depending on the apps that you prefer to use). Practice your dialogues several times to master the correct pronunciation before having your recorded conversation.

Huódòng sì

Record a short video wherein you are going to show a picture of your best friend. Introduce your best friend and tell us something about him/her. Also, share with us what ball game is he/she interested to play and/or what language does he/she is interested to study. You may include other related contents. Please ensure that your video will not exceed 2 minutes.

Huódòng wǔ

Using a piece of bond paper and a board marker, write the Hanzi characters for "Happy birthday!". Record a video while you are writing the Hanzi characters and show your output. Greet your friend or relative (in Mandarin) who will be celebrating his/her birthday this October to December.

Huódòng liù

Using Canva templates, write your own short diary with 10-15 Mandarin sentences (Pinyin). You may omit the tone symbols for this activity. Be creative and artistic with your output. You may write about your birthday celebrations, Christmas or New Year's gatherings, or you may just share your experiences during your vacation. Share also some photos of the events/gatherings.

Huódòng qī

Using Canva, create your family tree and label each member properly. Download your output as JPEG and use proper filename format. Upload it through the attached folder link below.

Huódòng bā

Get a partner from your classmates. Watch the video "How to Order at Mc Donald's" on our FL 301 Class Site. . Based on this video and UNIT 3 lessons that you have learned, do your virtual conversation. Be sure to record your conversation using screen recording (or using any video recording features depending on the app that you prefer to use). One of you will act as the CUSTOMER and the other one will be the Mc Donald's CREW. Practice your dialogues several times to master the correct pronunciation before having your recorded