Huódòng yī

Pair yourselves and re-enact the video provided.

Huódòng èr

Watch the video provided, practice and write as many hanzi characters as possible.

Huódòng sān

Tell us your daily routine in Mandarin. Create a short video which will show us what your daily routine. Include the time when you are performing each task. You can use images or picture to illustrate your routine. You may use either your own pictures or images from the internet. Be sure to acknowledge or give credits to pictures you don't own. You have to use your own voice for the narration of your daily routine. Consider the proper filename format. Submit the video by attaching/uploading it on the FL 302 Teams. Link will be provided by your professor. Deadline for the submission of your output is before the schedule of the next FL 302 online class.

Huódòng sì [Hover to enlarge image.]

Make a creative comic script based Lessons 22-24. You may write your own script and include your own choice of characters. Consider the proper filename format as instructed by your professor. Submit the file by attaching it when you TURN IN the activity. Deadline for the submission of your output is on the day before your next FL 302 class schedule.

Huódòng wǔ

Do a virtual Mandarin conversation with your classmate. Assume that you are in a store and you are going to buy and sell things. One will act as the buyer or costumer and the other one will be the seller or cashier. Be creative in composing and doing your conversation. Record the virtual conversation and save your file. Consider the proper filename format as instructed by your professor. TURN IN and ensure that you have attached the right file. Deadline for the submission of your output is on the day before your next FL 302 class schedule.

Huódòng liù

Consider Unit 5 lessons that we have already discussed and create a personal Mandarin vlog. The vlog should not exceed 5 minutes. Be creative in doing your vlog. You can also add subtitles for your audience to better understand it. Save and submit your output thru FL 302 e-Portfolio. Deadline for the submission of your output is on the day before your next FL 302 class schedule.

Huódòng qī

Now, time to practice your Hanzi writing skills. Watch all Lesson 31-33 video lessons. Using a clean bond paper, construct and write ten (10) Mandarin Chinese sentences that you have learned from those video lessons. Ensure that you are going to use the proper Pinyin and Hanzi. Make sure that the characters are clear and readable. Record video while you are writing and attach your video file and picture of your output on your FL 302 e-Portfolio. Submit the actual paper to your professor.

Huódòng bā

Based on the groupings for your final project, create your own digital story (Mandarin version). You can write your own short story or translate a Filipino story (ex. "Ang Kwento ni Juan Tamad"). Use your own voice for the narration and dubbing. You can add subtitles but just make sure that the Pinyin/Hanzi characters are clear and comprehensible.