Zuìzhōng xiàngmù

Now, you have to apply what you have learned from FL 301. Team Channel will be assigned to your group. Utilize the channel to prepare for your role-playing project. Write your script in Mandarin covering all what we have discussed in this subject. Focus on school or work-related scenarios and ensure that you will include computer and IT-related professions in the story. Your output must be recorded video not exceeding 5-minutes. You can physically or virtually do the role-playing.

You can also use animated characters but the voice for dubbing the play should be your teammates voices. There should be an intro and credits in the end. All elements should be in Mandarin including if you will be using music or background sounds. Your output will be graded based on the correctness of your script (sentence structures), voice dubbing (pronunciation) and the overall impact (creativity). Please ensure that all members will be participating. This will be due on Week 18 before the Final Exam. Zhu nimen hao yun!